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![]() ![]() ![]() Click Here to View the Table of Contents of Boston Walks The Jewish Friendship Trail |
Do you know how many Americans die yearly in car crashes?...
...How many?
Celebrating 361 Years![]() |
Best of Boston
Love Your Neighbor
Watertown, New Town, & Muddy River
Walk Near Water
Refute Hate
Walk West/North Ends
Sing Sense to America
The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook 6 Self-Guided
Walking/Bicycling Jewish Boston History Tours Covers Boston,
Brookline, and Cambridge Softcover 198 pages with maps & b/w
photos Click here
The Ten Commandments Guidebook Ways to Self-Struggle with
Classic Morals In Song, Poetry, and Prose
Covers 10 Commandments Plus One Other! Softcover 153 pages with
practical suggestions pages! Click here
Who is your favorite political mensch? Why?
Positions of Your Favorite Political Mensch
The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook 6 Self-Guided
Walking/Bicycling Jewish Boston History Tours Covers Boston,
Brookline, and Cambridge Softcover 198 pages with maps & b/w
photos Click here
The Ten Commandments Guidebook Ways to Self-Struggle with
Classic Morals In Song, Poetry, and Prose
Covers 10 Commandments Plus One Other! Softcover 153 pages with
practical suggestions pages! Click here
Email: BostonWalks
Integrating the urban, modern Jewish American city experience with its historical sites and themes in such locales as Boston, MA, Portland, ME, East Bay and Providence, RI, and the Upper West Side of Manhattan, NYC.
The Ten Commandments
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Email Survey
Mensch Criteria Set Two
Presented by a friendly Bostonian
Michael Alan Ross
Boston Walks
Publishers of
The Ten Commandments Guidebook
BostonWalks' The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook.
Email: Favorite Political Mensch
Copyright with a smile from Michael Alan Ross, 2004-2015.
All Rights Reserved.
Criteria Set Two
Number 1
How do we best support our men and women serving overseas?
Do we believe that we should advance democracy
in other countries, particularly in those countries which spawn terrorism and acts against humanity?
Number 2
How do we best celebrate family values and civility
in our great country?
Do we believe it's important to demonstrate
how to be a good spouse, parent, and/or neighbor while in the national limelight?
Number 3
How do we keep our air clean?
Do we believe in leading the way in
recognizing environmental issues and advocating responsible protection of our
Number 4
How do we protect each woman's right to make decisions about herself?
Do we believe that we should
appreciate and respect that Americans, individually, are capable of
choosing whether to give birth or to abort a fetus?
Number 5
How do we keep America safe AND compassionate?
Do we believe that we reasonably can balance individual rights and national and personal security?
Number 6
How do we keep warm?
Do we believe that we should find alternatives to our dependency on the oil industry?
Number 7
How do we keep our economy going well for ALL
Do we believe that we should work to re-invigorate fiscally sound governmental
economic policies and to re-institute fairer tax policies?
Number 8
How do we honor our senior citizens?
Do we believe that we should protect Social Security?
Number 9
How do we include ALL Americans in good health care?
Do we believe that we should advocate for national health policies in which all Americans can participate?
Number 10
How do we best respect other democracies in the World?
Do we believe that we should support those countries which actively demonstrate democratic and human rights policies?
Number 11
How does one best be a mensch?
Do we believe that we should live by the rule Do not do unto others what you would not have them do to you?
From the Charles River, let's swim toward a red, white, and blue agenda!
Now available!
Book Order Form
to order now!
Now available!
Order Form
to order now!
Click on our Filene photo-collage to connect to Boston's Jewish
Copyright ©
Michael Alan Ross, 2004-2015. All Rights Reserved.
Chazak Ve-ematz
be strong and resolute(Moses words to Joshua in Deut. 31:7)
Best of Boston
Love Your Neighbor
Watertown, New Town, & Muddy River
Walk Near Water
Refute Hate
Walk West/North Ends
Capitalist Commands
How do you imagine the relationship between freedom and responsibility within a democracy?
Check out this poetic interpretation:
In Defense of Liberty and Democracy, Freedom and Responsibilityconsidering the parasha of the week, Yitro. |
Isn't it time to Attract Middle Class Families Back into Our Cities?
Here's 10 Ways to bring middle-class families back into cities like NYC:
10 Ways to Bring Middle Class Families Back into New York City, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Atlanta, and other Citiesconsidering the best of the suburban paradigm for our large cities. |
Are you curious about what are some of the ethical reasons for single-payer universal health care insurance?10 Moral Reasons for One Payer Universal Health Care Insurance for Americain light of Hillel's If I'm only for myself, what am I? |
by Michael Alan Ross |
Do you know how many Americans die yearly in car crashes?...
...How many?
We know that there are other belly laughs our there.