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NOW AVAILABLE - (1) Phoenix Scottsdale Jewish Friendship Trail GuideBook
with 7 Tours of Sites of Phoenix Scottsdale Jewry!
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(2) BostonWalks Jewish Friendship Trail GuideBook
with 6 Tours of Sites of Boston, Brookline, and Cambridge Jewry!
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(3) BostonWalks The Ten Commandments GuideBook
with creative suggestions for approaching our Ten Commandments!
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Email: BostonWalks

Discover a progressive Jewish interpretation of Maimonides' 13 principles here!

Celebrating 361 Years

of Jews in America

The Ten Commandments

See below, Michael Alan Ross' original Walter-Mittyish style poem,

Dance before God

considering the 2nd Commandment,
Have one God only!

Now available!

The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook

6 Self-Guided Walking/Bicycling Jewish Boston History Tours

Covers Boston, Brookline, and Cambridge

Softcover 198 pages with maps & b/w photos

Click here
Book Order Form
to order now!

Now available!

The Ten Commandments Guidebook

Ways to Self-Struggle with Classic Morals

In Song, Poetry, and Prose

Covers 10 Commandments Plus One Other!

Softcover 153 pages with practical suggestions pages!

Click here
Book Order Form
to order now!

Boston Walks Publishers presents

Dance before God

from the new

The Ten Commandments Guidebook

Spiritual, practical, exhortatory and uplifting
songs, poems and prose
to self-struggle with our Ten Commandments

Copyright Michael Alan Ross, 2004-2018.
All Rights Reserved.

Email: BostonWalks

Michael A. Ross, a post-denominational, American Jew, and author of the newly published, The Ten Commandments Guidebook elucidates both spiritual, practical, and fun ways to self-struggle with our Ten Commandments. Mr. Ross uses his creative poetry, prose, and lyrics to construct modern midrashim and piyyutim, prosaic and poetic commentaries. Rabbi Ellen Pildis, a post-denominational rabbi, offers praise of his text on the book's back cover. In re-Visiting The Ten Commandments , Mr. Ross finds meaningful and unusual ways to sing about, to wax poetic, to constructively criticize, and to praise in light of our Commandments. Mr. Ross also is author of BostonWalks' The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook - 6 Self-guided Jewish History Walk Tours of Downtown Boston. His writings are drawn from a lifetime of Jewish American experiences.
Here is an example, his poem, Dance Before God, which considers the 2nd Commandment in the following verses:

Dance before God

Copyright Michael Alan Ross 2004-2018. All rights reserved.

Twenty hours into the fast, I pumped up with "Shma,"
"Listen to your own voice," I told myself. "You'll survive."
Protectively, though, my mind lifted me afar...
"Tonight's guest host, Moshe Ben Nachum, live!"

The audience roared welcome like I was the Sabbath bride,
The band played Lecho Dodi, uptempo, loudly,
I sauntered, waved, shook hands, smiled, proudly,
Leno, Carson, Allen, and Paar were by my side.

"Thank you," I confidently calmed the crowd,
"We have a r-e-a-l-l-y great show for you,
A midrash, Maimonides said he'll do.
And, on his harp, King David." I bowed.

"First, a special treat, a senior citizen dance troupe,
Who cherkiziya, mayim, and Yemenite in bare feet,
Sing-a-long, yelp, even manage an occasional leap,
Let's give it up for this outstanding group!"

"Weren't they terrific, they'll be appearing on the coast,
For the annual dance festival with Haifa as host.
Coming out now, the philosopher extraordinaire,
The Rambam, himself, let's show him we care."

"So, tell me, Rav, what deeds have you been up to?"
"Well, I've been reorganizing Halacha, what folks should do."
"Does that mean the whole Torah and Talmud, you've gone through?"
"Yes, it was an extreme olympic challenge which I wanted to pursue."

"And what wit or wisdom, would you leave us to digest?"
"Well, given the shortness of our lives, don't overdo it on rest,
To focus on good deeds probably is our human test,
Making life easier and fulfilling for yourself and neighbors is best!"

"Thank you, Rav. Coming up next is King David on his harp.
First this message from Tiberious Fish and Carp!"
"What page are we on?" I felt a tapping on my shoulder.
An attractive woman had sat down beside me. "Page 236," I told her.

The momentary distraction didn't bother me. "Five seconds," from the producer, a call.
"Welcome back," I smiled at my audience, standing with my shoulders back, my head tall,
"Now leaving the green room, straight from Jerusalem, where he's just finished building a wall,
Our King David, still as handsome, lyrical and melodic...give him a warm welcome, y'all."

The harp's tones must have lulled me to sleep, for the next moment I was aware,
"Are you all right?" The page seeker raised my head with great care.
"You were falling over," she said. "Perhaps, you should end your fast early?"
Her act coupled with her concern made me sit straight in my chair.

"Thanks," I said to her. "I was drifting, dreaming, and now am back here."
Her smile so made me want to hand her a fruit offering, perhaps a sweet pear,
Forgetting my Walter Mitty-ish hosting, I responded warmly to her touching, so rare,
Embracing a Godly moment during my fast, of another person's empathy to share.

"To appreciate a clock telling time, we have to recognize every tick."
"What do you mean?" she whispered back at me.
"Each of us is like a second and it takes hands to bring us together," I replied.
"Oh," she said. "You're thanking God for our dance music."

1. Shma (Hebrew for listen) is a central Jewish prayer.
2. Lecho Dodi (Hebrew for Come my Beloved) is a Sabbath welcoming prayer.
3. & 5. Maimonides, Rabbi Moses ben Maimom - acronym: Rambam - was a 12th century Jewish rabbi/philosopher/physician.
4. Cherkiziya, mayim, and Yemenite are Israeli dance steps.
6. Rav, generally, is Hebrew for teacher or rabbi.
7. Halacha (Hebrew for the way) is the body of Jewish religious law.
8. Walter Mitty was a James Thurber fictional character who frequently day-dreamed.

Midrashim and Piyyutim!

Mr. Ross' poetry about the Ten Commandments, his prosaic warm memories of family life, and his lyrical voicing of social concerns can be called by the Hebrew words piyyutim and midrashim, poems and commentaries, which offer uplifting, spiritual and, sometimes, simply appreciative or challenging interpretations. In addition, Mr. Ross offers many suggestions for the reader to consider in struggling with the Ten Commandments, making this Guidebook a fine teaching tool, usable not only for its inspirational reading but also for its suggestions of good deeds.
To print out a purchase order, click here: The Ten Commandments Guidebook.

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Other on-line selections from Michael Alan Ross' new,
The Ten Commandments Guidebook

Links to Boston and New England

Now available!

The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook

6 Self-Guided Walking/Bicycling Jewish Boston History Tours

Covers Boston, Brookline, and Cambridge

Softcover 198 pages with maps & b/w photos

Click here
Book Order Form
to order now!

Now available!

The Ten Commandments Guidebook

Ways to Self-Struggle with Classic Morals

In Song, Poetry, and Prose

Covers 10 Commandments Plus One Other!

Softcover 153 pages with practical suggestions pages!

Click here
Book Order Form
to order now!

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Copyright Michael Alan Ross, 2004-2018. All Rights Reserved.

Email: BostonWalks

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Table of Contents of Boston Walks The Jewish Friendship Trail